Encapsulation technology is used in Pharmaceuticals, foods, Nutraceutical, agriculture, Animal health, and many other industries. Encapsulation basically used for improving stability, enhance product shelf-life, mask the organoleptic properties like color, taste, and odor, controlled and targeted release. Also helpful for safe handling and packaging of materials; vitro compartmentalization or immobilization of biological materials and catalysts.It can be achieved by using techniques like Emulsification, Spray chilling, Spray cooling, Fluidized bed drying, Freeze drying, Extrusion, Electrospraying and electrospinning, and Spray Drying. We have experts in Nano and microencapsulation of Phytoconstituents, bioactive compounds, probiotics, oleoresins, oils, heat or light-sensitive compounds. We design fit to make formulation of encapsulation for any substituents with retaining its potency.